I had the pleasure of speaking at LoopConf this year about Customization and the future of WordPress. Check it out!
Some of the resources and examples I mention:
- Gutenberg on humanmade.com
- The Events Calendar: Going Gutenberg: Chapter II
- Ads in a Gutenberg World
- WooCommerce Gutenberg Products Block
- Improvements to the Customize JS API in 4.9
- “Building with JavaScript in the Customizer” at WCUS 2017
Plus, this tweet from Carl Hancock:
Are there any WordPress devs that make their living developing primarily around Widgets? I’m guessing there are probably some on CodeCanyon, etc. Gutenberg is coming for you. If you don’t think Blocks will eventually completely Widgets you aren’t paying attention. Get ready now.
— Carl Hancock 🚀 (@carlhancock) February 19, 2018
Want to learn more about Gutenberg? You can start here.
Hi Mel!
I love this presentation you put together!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I’m just getting started as a WordPress developer and diving deep into Gutenberg and I was blown away by the page layout functionality that you shared in your presentation. Do you have a how to somewhere or a public repository somewhere that you are sharing how you did this? Do you have any other gutenberg theme/block development resources that you share or sell somewhere?
Thank you again for sharing this!!
Hi Lee! Glad you liked my presentation. :) Currently, everything I presented is just mockups and concept work — nothing’s been built or coded up yet. I’d keep an eye on https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/ for future developments.